Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey 1546: Sonnet XIII

I never saw my Ladie laye apart
Her cornet blacke, in cold nor yet in heate,
Sith first she knew my griefe was growen so great,
Which other fansies driveth from my hart.
That to my selfe I do the thought reserve,
The which unwares did wounde my woful brest,
For on her face mine eyes maught never rest,
Sins that she knew I did her love and serve,
Her golden tresse is clad alway with blacke,
Her smiling lokes to hide thus evermore,
And that restraines which I desire so sore.
So doth this corner governe me alacke :
      In somer, sunne: in winters breath, of frost :
      Wherby the light of her faire lokes I lost.


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